
To use Python Finite State Machine in a project:

import fsm

Then add the Mixin to any class where the state machine is required.

class Foo(fsm.FiniteStateMachineMixin):

    state_machine = {
        'my_first_state': '__all__',
        'my_state': ('my_second_state',),
        'my_second_state': ('my_state', 'my_second_state', 'last_state'),
        'last_state': None

    state = 'my_first_state'

Instanciate the class and use it. Remember that in order to work as intended, change_state must be used to transition from one state to the other.

>>> foo = Foo()

>>> foo.current_state()

>>> foo.change_state('my_state')

>>> foo.current_state()

>>> foo.can_change('last_state')

>>> foo.get_valid_transitions()

You can also use BaseFiniteStateMachineMixin for more flexibility. Implementing current_state and set_state is required. Doing this allows using more complex behavior, but it is not recommended.